Jamie Lynn Spears lista para la boda [OK!]

Jamie Lynn Spears está lista para decir "Acepto"  ya tiene un guapo prometido Casey Aldridge, una bebita Maddie Briann y también una hermosa casa. De acuerdo a la nueva portada de OK! magazine, Jamie Lynn ha empezado a planear si boda. Jamie ya se está poniendo en forma para el gran dia, incluso ha perdido peso del embarazo y tiene una linda figura. Jamie planea casarse en el patio de su casa, en una ceremonia muy familiar. Se dice que Britney será la Madrina de la boda, y Ashley, la hermana de Casey será una de las Damas de honor. Jamie Lynn Spears is ready to say "I do!" She already has a handsome fiancé in Casey Aldridge, an adorable baby in Maddie and a new house. Now OK! can exclusively reveal that the former Zoey 101 star has already started planning her wedding.   "She’s not going to get married at some luxury resort in the Caribbean or a hotel in Beverly Hills," a friend of the bride-to-be tells OK!. "Her own backyard with just the people who matter most is more Jamie Lynn’s style." Jamie Lynn is planning to look her best on the big day. "She’s already down to her pre-pregnancy weight," says the friend. "She has the cutest figure!" Britney Spears will be her Jamie Lynn’s maid of honor, and Casey’s sister Ashlee will be one of her bridesmaids.

Jamie Lynn Spears camino al altar [OK!]

[bgs]Jamie Lynn Spears, Zoey 101[/bgs]


  1. aydana 8 noviembre, 2008
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